Start your journey to optimal health now!

Hi beautiful,
I’m loving my healthy life, but I haven’t always been healthy. In fact, I took my health for granted. I ate and drank whatever I wanted for years, without thinking about or understanding the consequences. Until I became really unwell.
My body had been giving me the signs but I had been ignoring them, so it started screaming at me in the form of chronic migraines, back pain, leaky gut syndrome, bloating, candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, high levels of mercury and auto-immune issues.
It wasn’t until I looked at myself in the mirror one day and saw that my tummy looked like I was six months pregnant that I knew I needed to change. Funny how vanity became such a driver. But it shouldn’t be about just wanting to look great – which we all deserve. I wanted to FEEL great. And feel great for as long as I possibly could.
I’d forgotten to care for myself. Three beautiful kids, a busy career and just life in general were my priorities rather than…ME!
I realised that I risked becoming chronically ill which could potentially shorten my lifespan. I knew I wanted to live a full, energetic and vibrant life. So, I started biohacking.

Ironically, to do everything else that I had been so focused on I needed one thing – my health.
I began my healing journey. Because I realised if I didn’t put ME first, and proactively care for myself then I would continue to be unwell and unable to do the things I love, like horse riding, hiking, dancing, and travelling.
I know what you’re going through because I’ve been through it and now after healing myself I want to help coach you to make healthier choices that will leave you feeling vibrant, energetic, focused and happy from the inside out.

Initial health coaching session
Just want to test the waters? No problem, we can have an initial chat to discuss what you’re struggling with. What you can expect:
- A detailed health assessment – I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete so we can see where you’re at and what you want to achieve with your get healthy journey.
- 45 minutes online session

Eight weeks package
One-on-One health coaching
If you’re ready to start feeling great, commit to eight weeks of one-on-one health coaching sessions with me. What you can expect:
- A detailed health assessment – I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete so we can see where you’re at and what you want to achieve with your get healthy journey.
- 45 minute online session every fortnight for eight weeks.
- We’ll unpack where your barriers are and what we need to do to get you on track and stay there!
- My three step process to help you live well longer:
- Step 1: Guidance on nutrition
- Step 2: Guidance on exercise
- Step 3: Guidance on longevity hacks

12 weeks Package
Online master longevity course
Coming soon!